Third Mission

Flagship initiatives

A few recent initiatives of the Sea Study Centre are reported as examples. 

Underwater environment

A working group on the underwater environment was launched within the Sea Study Centre, co-operating with the National Centre for the Underwater Dimension, with the Interministrial Committee for the Sea Politics and with the "Universities for the Underwater" initiative by the Italian Navy and Fondazione Leonardo. 

World Tour of the Training Sailing Ship Vespucci of the Italian Navy

The Sea Study Centre is partner of the Italian Navy in the 2024-26 world-wide tour of Vespucci ship

  • organizing events of "Sea Science Diplomacy" in the ports of call of the ship
  • exploiting the ship during her World Tour as privileged platform for world-wide surveys of the ocean health 

Sea Atlas initiative

The Sea Atlas is a project developed in the Ligurian Region representing the first joint effort in the field of sustainable aquaculture, in which different researchers and Environmental Agencies contributed to a maritime spatial planning exercise to identify zones suitable for aquaculture activities. 

Green Corridors

A working group from the Centre is developing a pre-feasibility study for a green-hydrogen plant in Sri Lanka able to feed ships using such fuel and calling at the port of Trincomalee.

The study will cover the analysis of the economic and technical pre-conditions necessary to develop a green corridor initiative on routes connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Far East in order to stimulate the environmental transition of the shipping industry. 

Marine terminology available to all

Multilingual and multimedia glossaries in at least 8 languages fed with terms from different domains, e.g. law of the sea and maritime law, marine biodiversity, sailing, naval architecture etc., published on the internet and open access to anyone who may be interested. 


Last update 26 August 2024