Events and conferences

Past events

Public event "Vespucci ship: 2023-2025 world tour between scientific research and naval diplomacy" - 11th July 2024

Monitoring of big cetacea and insects, development of new cartographic standards, study of ship motions and monitoring through GPS signals: these are some of the many fields of the scientific research carried on by the University of Genoa and the Italian Navy Hydrographic Office on Vespucci ship. The first results of these studies were the heart of the public event "Vespucci ship: 2023-2025 world tour between scientific research and naval diplomacy" that took place on Thursday 11th July starting from 3.30 p.m. at the Nautilus room of the Aquarium of Genoa. The meeting, organised by Fondazione Casa America ETS, the University of Genoa - Sea Study Centre, CIMA Foundation and the Italian Navy Hydrographic Office was open to the public but subject to availability.

For further information please check out the flyer attached below:…

Webinar by the EASA Anthropology of the Seas Network - 22nd March 2024

A webinar by the EASA Anthropology of the Seas Network took place on the 22nd March 2024. It was entitled "Knowing fish, knowing the sea: Japanese lessons in love and loss". The discussants were prof. C. Anne Claus (American University) and prof. Gaia Cottino (University of Genoa).

For further information please check out the flyer attached below:…

Conference "Law of the sea and blue growth: European and Asian perspectives" - 26th January 2024

The University of Genoa with the Sea Study Centre, Genoa Institute of International European and Maritime Law and SIDI organised the conference "Law of the sea and blue growth: European and Asian perspectives". The registration of participants at 8,30 a.m. and the welcome coffee were followed by the introductory interventions by the Rector of the University of Genoa, prof. Federico Delfino, prof. Luca Beltrametti, prof. Paola Ivaldi, the President of the Sea Study Centre, prof. Marco Giovine and Mr Toshiaki Kobayashi, Consul General of Japan in Milan. Further interventions followed in several sessions, until the conclusion at 5,45 p.m.

Where and when

University of Genoa, via Balbi 5, Aula Magna - Friday 26th January 2024 starting from 8,30 a.m.

For further information check out the flyer attached:…

The event was accredited as a continuing education activity by Genoa Bar Association: 2 credits for session I and II and 2 credits for sessions III and IV.

The Sea Study Centre and the University of Genoa at Sri Lanka Hydrogen and Green Fuels Forum 2024

The Sea Study Centre and the University of Genoa were present at Sri Lanka Hydrogen and Green Fuels Forum at the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Aviation in Colombo. CIBEA (Ceylon Italy Blue Economy Association) with many stakeholders from Italy and Sri Lanka are united to reach the goal of decarbonizing Indian Ocean maritime transportation. The intention is to transform Trincomalee port into a hub for Green Fuels bunkering in the Indian Ocean. The President of the Sea Study Centre, prof. Marco Giovine, prof. Claudio Ferrari (Coordinator of the PhD in Maritime Sciences and Technologies, UniGe), prof. Alessio Tei and Agostino Bruzzone (UniGe) intervened at the forum.

Where and when

Colombo, Sri Lanka, Thursday 18th January 2024, 2.30 p.m.-6 p.m. (Sri Lanka time)

For further information check out the programme attached:…

The Sea Study Centre at the launch of the National Underwater Hub in La Spezia

The Sea Study Centre (Centro del Mare) and ISME, Inter-University Centre to support research activities in the fields of marine technologies and oceanic engineering, of the University of Genoa took part in the launch of the National Underwater Hub at CSSN in La Spezia on 12th December 2023, with the participation of Ministers Crosetto and Musumeci and many other guests. The stands of the University of Genoa and ISME were present, so it was possible to find out about the activities of the Sea Study Centre related, for instance, to underwater robotics and vehicles and much more.

For further information about the Sea Study Centre's educational offer and activities check out the flyer attached below:…

Meeting "The maritime industry jargon" - Prof. Chiara Albericci - 8th November 2023

The maritime language, that has to be distinguished from the nautical and the yachting ones, has all what it takes to be considered a special language: the use limited to a group of workers or experts of the field, its own terminology, a particular syntax... Yet it is rarely, or not at all, considered and treated as an equal of its "colleagues" economic, medical and legal specialized languages. Maritime industry jargon should be known and studied more, especially in a city like Genoa, whose history and development are intrinsically connected with the sea, and where the port still employs many people. Starting from the academic experience at the University of Genoa within the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Translation and Interpreting, passing through her work experience as a Maritime English teacher at the Italian Naval Academy in Genoa, Prof. Albericci explained in this meeting the characteristics of the special maritime language and how it is used in the world of work by Italian and English-speaking people.

Where and when

University of Genoa, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Polo Didattico, via delle Fontane, Room H - Wednesday 8th November 2023 from 1 p.m to 2,30 p.m.

The University of Genoa and the Italian Hydrographic Institute meet the Universities of Rio de Janeiro on Vespucci ship

On the occasion of the mooring of Vespucci ship in Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro, the University of Genoa and the Italian Hydrographic Institute met local Universities. The participants included Rear Admiral Massimiliano Nannini (Italian Hydrographic Institute) and many representatives of the Sea Study Centre and the University of Genoa.

Where and when

Amerigo Vespucci ship, Pier Mauà, Porto Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro - 24th October 2023 at 10 a.m.

For further information check out the flyer attached below:…

CERTEM Day 2023 - "Sea terminology"

CERTEM, Research Centre in Multilingual Terminology, organised a day dedicated to multilingual terminology, in the context of the events related to the European Day of Languages 2023. This year the day was dedicated to sea terminology, following the decision by CERTEM to get involved in the objectives of the Sea Study Centre (Centro del Mare). The greetings by authorities and the introduction were followed by many interventions, whose details can be checked out in the flyer attached below.

Where and when

Friday 6th October 2023, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Aula Magna, Scuola di Scienze Umanistiche, via Balbi 2, Genoa

1st September 2023: Workshop "Conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond natural jurisdiction"

Where and when Palazzo San Giorgio, Sala del Capitano, via della Mercanzia 2, Genoa - Friday 1st September 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.

For further information check out the flyer attached:…

Public presentation of the Sea Study Centre (Centro del Mare)

A public presentation of the Sea Study Centre (UniGe) took place in the context of the Grand Finale of The Ocean Race, with the participation of the Centre's Technical Scientific Committee, Advisory Board and affiliates. After the Institutional Greetings by the Vice Rector of the University of Genoa, there were the interventions of the President of the Sea Study Centre, the President of the Advisory Board, the Coordinator of the PhD in Marine Sciences and Technologies, as well as a presentation of the working groups already activated and a moment of general discussion.

Where and when

Ocean Live Park, Jean Nouvel Pavilion, Fiera di Genova, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

For further information check out the attached flyer:…

Conference: "Marine coastal ecosystems: when preserving isn't enough"

Prof. Mariachiara Chiantore, Associate Professor in Ecology at the University of Genoa, held a conference entitled "Ecosistemi marini costieri: quando conservare non basta" ("Marine coastal ecosystems: when preserving isn't enough"). European Union and the United Nations, through the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030, the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030 and the EU Restoration Law, still under discussion, are showing us the need to go beyond the sole conservation of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and encourage us to implement actions directed to environmental restoration in order to reach the ambitious target of restoring at least the 20% of EU territory by 2030. The seminar dealt with some examples of ecological restoration of marine species and coastal ecosystems where, within the Life and the National Biodiversity Future Center projects (financed by PNRR), these topics are examined, with particular reference to Ligurian coasts.

Where and when

Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere, Palazzo Ducale (Genoa), Thursday 4th May 2023 at 5 p.m.

Presentation of the book "Il Promontorio di Portofino: 200 anni di biologia marina"

The book "Il Promontorio di Portofino: 200 anni di biologia marina"("Portofino Promontory: 200 years of marine biology") by Giorgio Bavestrello was presented on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of Portofino Marine Protected Area. Light refreshments were available after the presentation.

Where and when

Friday, 21st April 2023 at 3 p.m., Castello Brown, Portofino

For further information check out the flyer attached below:…

Lectio Magistralis "Ships and Seafaring Routes in the Mediterranean between East and West"

Since ancient times seafaring has always been a crucial element of cultural and business contacts in the Mediterranean, and has developed as the shipbuilding knowledge and technologies. The Eastern Mediterranean maritime route connected Asia Minor, Cyprus, Syria, Phoenicia, Israel and Egypt. Ships and fleets crossed these waters, ensuring wealth to maritime cities and minor ports. The conference, held by prof. Nadav Kashtan (Department of Conservation Studies, Western Galilee College, Akko), dealt with routes, hazards, storms, shipwrecks and rescues during famous travels, such as King Herod's and Paul of Tarsus' navigations among Judea, Greece and Rome.

Where and when

Thursday 20th April 2023, 5.30 p.m., Società Ligure di Storia Patria, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa

For further information on the programme and the topic of the conference check out the attached flyer…

The University of Genoa at the Ocean Live Park in Cape Town  

After the participation in the Ocean Live Park, the village for the starting line of The Ocean Race in Alicante (Spain), the University of Genoa was at Genoa Pavilion in Cape Town on Wednesday 22nd February 2023 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. After an introduction on the University of Genoa and its international relations, several interventions followed, including a presentation of the Sea Study Centre at 12 p.m.

Where and when

Ocean Live Park, Cape Town, South Africa- 22nd February 2023

For details on UniGe interventions at Genoa Pavilion check out the attached flyer at the following link:…

For further information on The Ocean Race check out the following link:…

Presentation of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP)

Where and when

Thursday 12th January 2023, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. , Sala Conferenze, Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples

Blue Italian Growth National Technology Cluster (CTN-BIG), Anton Dohrn Zoological Station and the Agency for the Promotion of European Research organised an in-depth session of the partnership called "A climate neutral, sustainable and productive blue economy Partnership (SBEP)".

One of the ambitions of SBEP is to contribute to the Green Deal's European political objectives, digital transformation and post-covid recovery. During this session the main subjects involved discussed about the main aspects related to SBEP, with details about the announcements also with reference to applications and eligibility criteria, with a particular reference to the business world. 

Further details on the meeting agenda can be read in the flyer attached below.

Genoa showcased at the Ocean Live Park in Alicante 

Genoa Pavilion was launched at the Ocean Live Park, the village for the starting line of The Ocean Race in Alicante (Spain), in this pavilion visitors had the chance to explore the beauties of the city and the whole Liguria while enterprises could develop new business opportunities with firms from all over the world.

The Ocean Race historic regatta will get to Italy for the first time, with the "Grand Finale" in Genoa, that has become the sailing and yachting capital thanks to its closeness to The Ocean Race. 

On Wednesday 11th January, the University of Genoa displayed its excellences in the research about the sea and sustainability. 

For further information on Genoa Pavilion and the activities with The Ocean Race check out the following link:

For further details on Unige interventions at the Ocean Live Park check out the flyer.

Launch of the Life Pinna Project "A shellfish to save"

Where and when

Friday, 2nd December 2022, from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Galata Museo del Mare, Calata Ansaldo De Mari 1, Genoa

This public event took place on the occasion of the launch of the project "Un mollusco da salvare. Il progetto LIFE Pinna per la conservazione di Pinna Nobilis" ("A shellfish to save. The LIFE Pinna project for the conservation of the Pinna Nobilis"). After the registration of participants (from 9 to 9,30 a.m.), followed by the opening by Rossella Bertolotto, Scientific Director of ARPAL, there were the 4 sessions (starting from 9,40 a.m.) and lastly the award ceremony of the photography contest "Vita tra gli scogli" ("Life among the cliffs") at 3.30 p.m., with the introduction of the winners and the prize-giving. 

For further information about the contents of the different sessions and the moderators of the event check out the flyer and the programme attached below.

Blue skills 2022

Genova Blue District and its partners organised the event "Blue skills", an important occasion to find out about the new competences required by the green and digital transition of the Blue Economy and to meet many enterprises and  experts of the economy and sea sports fields. 

The enterprises taking part in the event gave the opportunity to attend job interviews in both days.

For further information about the event and the participants check out the following link:

and the flyer attached below.

Where and when

24th and 25th November 2022, Genova Blue District 

Conference "The maritime industry jargon" - Dr. Chiara Albericci

Where and when

Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 12.30 p.m.-1.30 p.m., Polo Didattico Unige, room C, via delle Fontane 10, Genoa

The topic of the conference

Dr. Chiara Albericci, Maritime English teacher at the Italian Naval Academy in Genoa, held a conference entitled "The maritime industry jargon".

The maritime language, that has to be distinguished from the nautical and the yachting ones, has all what it takes to be considered a special language: the use limited to a group of workers or experts of the field, its own terminology, a particular syntax...

Yet it is rarely, or not at all, considered and treated as an equal of its "colleagues" economic, medical and legal specialized languages.

Maritime industry jargon should be known and studied more, especially in a city like Genoa, whose history and development are intrinsically connected with the sea, and where the port still employs many people.

Starting from the academic experience at the University of Genoa within the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Translation and Interpreting, passing through her work experience as a Maritime English teacher at the Italian Naval Academy in Genoa, Dr. Alberici explained in this meeting the characteristics of the special maritime language and how it is used in the world of work by Italian and English-speaking people. 

Marine Robotics Workshop 

Where and when

Friday 7th October 2022 10 a.m.- 1 p.m., ISA, Istituto Superiore Antincendi - Room 19 , via del Commercio 13, Rome

In the context of the 4th Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines of I-RIM Prof. Gianluca Antonelli (University of Cassino) and Giovanni Indiveri (University of Genoa) organised the Marine Robotics Workshop.

Topic of the Workshop

Over 70% of our planet's surface is covered by water and over 96% of all Earth's water is in the oceans. The oceans host a wealth of natural resources and play a key role in environmental and climate change processes. Robotics may provide fundamental tools for studying, understanding and exploiting the marine environment. Marine robotics is characterized by specific challenges related to the adverse and harsh physical conditions (underwater pressure, waves, tides, currents, winds, salinity, fouling, etc.) as well as technological issues (unavailability of electromagnetic transmissions underwater, low bandwidth acoustic communications, complex power management policies, etc.)

The workshop's aim was to cover the wide range of scientific, industrial and application interests regarding marine robotics. The language was technical but not academic aiming at making the contents enjoyable by a not necessarily highly specialized audience. The speakers illustrated recent trends and technologies and provided a glance of possible future developments.

The program of the workshop can be read in the flyer attached here

Further information about the 4th Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligence Machines on the website

MetroSea 2022

Since 2017, the MetroSea congress represents a meeting point for national, international and academic institutions in the world of metrology, focused on the discussion of innovations and advances in the field. Measurement and instrumentation aimed at expanding our knowledge of the Sea are essential to protect and preserve its resources, and for this reason the MetroSea initiative aims at examining them thoroughly.
The Sea Study Centre has been associated with this initiative since the 2019 edition, held in Genoa.

For further information check out the website and the flyer.

Where and when

From Monday 3rd October to Wednesday 5th October  2022

Milazzo (Messina), Italy

"Frontiere, ragioni, regioni"

The University of Genoa at the Festival della Comunicazione of Camogli

The University of Genoa (Unige) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) took part in the Festival della Comunicazione of Camogli. 

Within the space "La terrazza dei saperi" Unige and INFN researchers presented their researchs and deepened topical subjects. 

The meetings were introduced by Fabrizio Benente, Pro-Rector of the University of Genoa, Walter Riva, Director of the Osservatorio Astronomico del Righi, Eliana Ruffoni, Spokeswoman of the Rector of the University of Genoa, and Alessio Caminata, INFN researcher.

Where and when 

Festival della Comunicazione of Camogli, 8th-9th-10th-11th September 2022, "Terrazza dei Saperi"

Further information about the outline and the topics of the meetings is available on the official website of the Festival della Comunicazione

EULos Summer School 

European Union and the Law of the Sea 

Where and when: 

Main building of the University of Genoa, via Balbi 5, 29th August - 9th September 2022

The interaction between the Law of the Sea and the EU Law is an area of increasing importance, which has nonetheless so far attracted too little attention.

The role of the EU with regard to the rights and duties implied in the use of the world's oceans is worth an ad hoc scrutiny, not only in the light of the enhanced presence of the EU in the international arena, but also because of a strategic interest that the EU has developed in recent years.

Both the EU and its Member States are parties to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

In recent years several contentious cases have been brought to the attention of the Court of Justice of the EU either by way of infringement proceedings or because of alleged inconsistencies between EU Law and international maritime treaties.

All of the above and more was at the heart of the EULos Summer School, held in 2022 for the eighth consecutive year. 

Event: "Ondario - I movimenti del mare"

Presentation of the book "Ondario - I movimenti del mare" by Sarah Zambello and Susy Zanella.

The authors attended the event with contributions by: Claudio Oliva (Genova Blue District), prof. Marco Giovine (President of the Sea Study Centre, University of Genoa), prof. Giovanni Besio (Sea Study Centre, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa), Niccolò Di Tullio (The Ocean Race).

Where and when 

Tuesday, 31st May 2022 at 3 p.m.

Genova Blue District

Italia e Diritto del Mare

The "Italia e Diritto del Mare - Italy and Law of the Sea" conference, organized by the University of Milano-Bicocca, the University of Genoa + the Sea Study Centre, and the University of Macerata, was a moment of reflection on issues such as safety, economy and environment, and the challenges that these pose to the law of the sea in the coming years. The aim was to offer an adequate space for discussion to representatives of the scientific community and to stakeholders in the maritime sector, with the participation of experts from the Universities involved.

Where and when

Friday 29th April 2022, 8.30 a.m. - 6,30 p.m.

University of Milano-Bicocca
U6 Building | AGORÀ - Room 6
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1, 20126 Milan

Last update 16 July 2024